About Us
The Dearborn Education Foundation
Our Mission
Founded in 1992 as a 501c3 non-profit, the foundation’s mission is to fund innovative programs and tools, insuring that all Dearborn Public Schools’ students reach their potential. To that end, we cultivate a private donor base of individuals, businesses, and foundations. The dollars raised cover classroom and extracurricular materials and projects, including books, musical instruments, microscopes, computers, athletic equipment, art projects, and student competitions, that would otherwise go unfunded.
In addition, the foundation partners with individuals and groups who wish to share their legacy with Dearborn’s schools and students. The foundation is equipped to establish naming rights, planned/legacy giving, scholarship funds, and endowed funds and to tailor each to the donor’s vision and wishes.
The foundation has raised and returned over $3,000,000 to Dearborn Public Schools.

Contact us
Chastity Townsend, Executive Director
Dearborn Public Schools Education Foundation
18700 Audette, Dearborn, MI 48124
Phone: 313.827.8790
Fax: 313.827.3137
Email: dbnedfoundation@dearbornschools.org
What is an education foundation?
Across America, more than 4,000 education foundations raise funds to directly impact the public school classrooms in their districts. In large part, these foundations exist to fund student programs and classroom tools that school budgets cannot cover.
Most school districts are burdened with a growing list of competing priorities, including curriculum changes, salaries, infrastructure, government regulations, and funding gaps, but education foundations are a source of support with only one priority: raising funds to provide an array of learning opportunities for students. Given their existing relationships with districts’ administration and communities, education foundations are ideal partners for navigating these systems while being independent from them.
As private entities continue to invest in public schools and as public schools continue to seek alternative funding streams, education foundations are well-positioned to help them get the most out of their investment, time and work.