Domke Scholarship

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Scholarship Details

Domke Scholarship

skip domke photoThis scholarship was established on behalf of the Domke family. Skip Domke enjoyed a successful career in education for more than 30 years as a teacher, coach, and athletic director at Edsel Ford High School. While at Edsel Ford, he coached the boys for 14 years and also won the Class A Cross Country State Championships in 1981. The Domke Scholarship will be awarded to one boy and one girl senior who lettered in Cross Country their junior or senior year. The student must have at least a 3.0 GPA and be accepted or pursuing higher education.

Scholarship Amount: $250 each, awarded to one male, and one female student

Application Criteria
-Minimum 3.0 GPA
-Student must have participated in Cross Country at EFHS
-500 Word Essay describing what Cross Country taught you about life
-Scholastic Letter of Reference
-Personal Letter of Reference
-Letter of Acceptance to a College or University

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